Learning Spanish is a daily commitment, so I created this teaching tool so you can learn some everyday words used in society to describe people, places, & things. If you're a homeschooler this is great segway lesson to have conversations with your student(s) about current society events. Today we have to educate our children on what isn't inside their schoolbooks within reason.
In my opinion, children should have exposure to current events, so they can begin to understand, the world they will need to thrive inside of in the future without their parent's daily guidance. It's very important student(s) become skilled in Focus, Education, Finance, Law, Preparation, Determination, & Resilience, because daily distractions are derailing the society we live in today.
Examples of some segway questions to stimulate conversation with your student(s).
(Keep in mind age appropriateness')
Who is God?
What is law?
What is court?
How do you become a King?
How do you become a Queen?
How do you become President?
Why do we have different flags around the world?
What is an Embassy?
Should they believe News Networks or Social Platforms without their own research?