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Seasons Of Life

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

As an adult now, I think we can look back and pinpoint some instances as a child when we allowed fear and non-support to hinder us from reaching for higher goals or standing out from the crowd. Our childhood is the First Season of Life, and it is the foundational mold that teaches us to become risk takers and have confidence. If I compared childhood to a season, I would say its most like Spring because nature is starting a new life cycle journey.

When we become young adults, we enter the Second Season of Life, and what we learned from our childhood begins to present itself in a leadership or follower role based on the level of self-confidence, peer support, and resources we deem sufficient. This phase of life reminds me of the Summer Season when your independence blooms and your most beautiful and creative side emerges. During this phase most of us don't take the time to resolve any issues that maybe holding us back from our past, so we can move forward in life without standing in our own way.

Learning Spanish 4 Kids Four Seasons
The Four Seasons

When we enter the Third Season of Life, we are more experienced and balanced and have a better understanding of how the world is consistently changing and that time waits for no one, so adjustment is necessary for survival. What do I mean by adjustment? Adjustment to me means, we must continue reinventing ourselves, enhancing our individual skills with continual education, taking bigger risk for higher rewards, and transitioning our business and/or ourselves to sustain marketability. During the Fall Season we should begin deciding on the specific details of how the Fourth Season of Life will become the best culmination of the previous Three Seasons of Life. Best Practice would be to use life experience as a guiding marker.

In the Winter Season of Life, our Golden Years, we should begin to reap the rewards for work done in the previous Three Seasons or begin the most focused Chapter of our life.

Many of us don't believe you can begin the greatest part of your life in the Fourth Season, but your wrong! A simple google search can show you how many famous people in their Winter Season had their first big break professionally. This also applies to individuals thinking of starting their own business or interested in reinventing themselves for a more lucrative career.

Go For It! Use your wisdom, growth, and experience to make this the most Phenomenal Chapter of your life yet!

I hope this motivated someone today! Believing in yourself its invaluable!

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